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Medical Corp.Yuaikai MEGURO YUAI CLINIC

Address 2-30-5 Nakacho Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0065 JAPAN   Phone: +81 3-3710-6119

We are providing the best treatment for each of patients.

The clinic will be closed from December 29, 2021 (Wed) to January 5, 2022 (Wed) during the year-end and New Year holidays. Registration will end at 1:45PM on Tuesday, December 28th. If you are a first-time visitor, please register by 1:00PM.


Meguro Yuai Clinic provides the most appropriate medical care to each patient.

At Meguro Yuai Clinic, we have various latest inspection equipment. X-ray, CT scanning, MRI, DXA (Bone mineral quantification exam), Ultrasounds, etc. 

The optimal test can be performed immediately according to the patient's symptoms. We will carry out the necessary tests, find out the cause of the symptoms, consult with the patient, and provide the most appropriate treatment for each patient.
We provide advice and suggestions that take into consideration the patient's lifestyle, such as how to handle in daily life with the symptoms.
If you have any concerns, please be sure to tell us. Let's get over it together!     Hisayuki MIYAJIMA Dr.

Orthopedic diseases

Sprain, Bruise, Fracture, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoporosis, Rotator cuffitis, Tenosynovitis, Hallux valgus, Snapping finger, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Osteoarthritis (knee joint, shoulder joint, cervical spine, lumbar spine, etc.), Lumbar canal stenosis, Lumbar spondylolisthesis, Herniated disc (aka Slipped disc, cervical/lumbar), Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Shoulder periarthritis, Pediatric pulled elbow, Pediatric simple hip arthritis (transient synovitis of the hip), Pediatric scoliosis, and other general orthopedic and sports orthopedic diseases.


​Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

The Department of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy provides various tests, evaluations, training, advising, and assistance to improve motor dysfunction due to fractures and osteoarthritis, and to improve the state of decreased motor ability due to aging.

We have many devices such as "leg press", "leg extension" and "pulley", and a physiotherapist will consider a rehabilitation treatment menu suitable for each under the direction of a specialist Dr.Miyajima.

Physical therapy is a treatment method using multiple ways such as exercise, heat, electricity, water, and light rays for the purpose of maintaining and improving motor function for patients with impaired motor function .

In order to restore basic movement ability, we will perform treatment, gymnastics and other appropriate exercises. Furthermore, we aim to improve activities of daily living (ADL) and ultimately improve quality of life (QOL).




In the radiology department, X-rays, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT (Computed Tomography) DXA (Bone Mineral Quantitative Examination) are performed. Our MRI is called an open type, and it has less obstruction than the tubular one, so even those who are not good at narrow spaces can be examined with confidence. If necessary, a family member or a partner can also enter the examination room.

To have you take the inspection comfortable.

If you are a patient who is visiting another medical institution and wish to have an open-type MRI examination at our clinic, please check with your doctor in advance and make a reservation by phone.

At that time, please be sure to prepare the following documents designated by this clinic. 

Please fill in by your doctor in charge

▶ Inspection instructions(PDF)

Please fax to our clinic before coming.

Please fill in by yourself (patient)

▶ Check sheet(PDF)

Please bring it to clinic on the exam day.


We close from December 29th to January 5th.

We accept patients until 13:45 on December 28th.

Before your visiting, please give us a phone call and explain about your current symptoms. And please make sure the date and time of your visiting.

Phone: (+81) 03-3710-6119 (Japanese Only)

WhatsApp: +81 70-3319-9265 (English Text Only)

Open: 9:30 to 12:30,  15:00 to 17:45

 **Saturday: 9:30 to 13:45


Every Wednesday, Saturday PM, Sunday, and the national holiday.



お問い合わせ 代表TEL:03-3710-6119

​診療日時 月・火・木・金 9:30~12:30/15:00~17:45 土 9:30~12:30

毎週水曜日・日曜日および祝日休診 (夏期休診、年末年始はその都度お知らせいたします)

© 2021 Medical Corp. Yuaikai Meguro Yuai Clinic  All rights reserved.

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